New Beginners 2024/2025(初级班)–via ZOOM

HSK1 to HSK6 [HSK标准教程]

Dr Xingxian Sun
Tel: 07305 665562

Intermediate(中级班); Advanced(高级班);Chinese for Business(商业英语);

Chinese conversation(中文对话);One to one classes(私人授课);

English to Chinese translation(英文翻译);




Hi, I am Chris Sun, 你好! I was born in Shanghai China. I had my university education in Shanghai and worked there for 9 years before I came to UK. I did my PhD in textile technology at Huddersfield University in 1994, and then I have been working with British companies and organisations for more than 20 years, within which I have spent lots of time in dealing with Chinese companies and governmental departments for British enterprises for business promotion, marketing and sales. I was also involved in providing translation services, teaching colleagues business Chinese and culture.

Since year 2000, I have jointly organized and taught Chinese Language classes for Chinese children in our Huddersfield Chinese community, I have taught my own child from beginning to advanced level. I have also spent my leisure time teaching my friends Chinese for different purposes.

I offer Chinese classes from beginners to business and conversation Chinese to suit your needs, I can also arrange one to one classes or any tuition to meet your requirements and time.



Course Title: Chinese Beginners via ZOOM

Description: My Chinese Classroom book1 我的汉语教室 初级(一)

Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm


Course Title: Chinese Beginners via ZOOM

Description: My Chinese Classroom book3 我的汉语教室 初级(三)

Time: 7:30 – 8:30 pm


Course Title:HSK2[HSK标准教程] via ZOOM

Time: 4:45 – 5:45 pm

Description: HSK is known as the internationally standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, which focuses on the ability of non-first language candidates to communicate in their lives, studies, and work. Chinese universities require HSK certification to allow international students study Chinese taught programs.


Course Title: HSK1 [HSK标准教程] via ZOOM

Time: 4:45 – 5:45 pm


Course Title: Chinese Beginners via ZOOM

Description: My Chinese Classroom book3 我的汉语教室 初级(三)

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 noon


Course Title:HSK1[HSK标准教程] via ZOOM

Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am

Description: HSK is known as the internationally standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, which focuses on the ability of non-first language candidates to communicate in their lives, studies, and work. Chinese universities require HSK certification to allow international students study Chinese taught programs.